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Webinar: Meet Our Teachers
Tune in as a panel of teachers from Coast to Mountain Preparatory Academy of Indiana share insights into online learning at our school.

Sandi Brueck | Academic Administrator for Special Programs
Mrs. Brueck has more than 30 years of experience in special education. In her various roles as a special educator, she has advocated for students with special needs and those who serve those students. During her career, she has taught all grade levels in special education and worked as a teacher consultant, an assistant principal in a center-based program for students with behavior disorders, a special education supervisor of students with autism, a special education consultant with the Michigan Department of Education, and most recently, as the academic administrator of special programs at a virtual academy in Michigan.
She graduated from Western Michigan University with her Bachelor of Science and Master of Arts in special education and reading. She also received her administrator certification from Grand Valley State University. Early in her career, she attended Indiana University at South Bend when working as a special education teacher. Mrs. Brueck received the honor of being voted “Autism Staff of the Year” while working as the supervisor of autism and was humbled to serve as a “Reading First” trainer during the “No Child Left Behind” legislative years. She is a member of the Council for Exceptional Children and ASCD.
In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her husband, adult daughter, her daughter’s boyfriend, and three dogs. The family enjoys camping with friends several times during the summer. Mrs. Brueck is also an avid reader and often reads to gain more knowledge in serving the teachers who serve our exceptional students.
Mrs. Brueck’s favorite quote is from Maya Angelou: “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.”